ETF Care Fundraising

Sinar Mas’ concern regarding the victimes hit by  natural disasters in Central Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara, is being reflected through ETF Care’s fundraising activities in several malls around Jakarta. Sinar Mas’ employees who served as volunteers of ETF Care […]

From Us for Humanity

Eka Tjipta Foundation (ETF) Care is activated again because of Sinar Mas’ concern about the people in Central Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara who were the victims of natural disasters. This time by naming the activity ETF Care of Central […]

Lend A Helping Hand

The earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Central Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara have destroyed most of the houses and public facilities. Many families have lost their homes and are forced to live in temporary shelters for months. Meanwhile, children […]